Welcome to the April 2022 edition of the JPT member-only update. We've got videos you'll want to check out, and get some tips to help YOU become a better hunter and more successful angler.
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How to know the difference between male and female bluegills – and why it’s important to know the difference - that's what this video courtesy of our friends at Angling Buzz - will let you know!
POP QUIZ! After you've watched that video - look at the image here. Can you tell which one Connor's bluegill is?
Personal best and some late season hardwater angling! JPT members showcase their recent catches. Logan and Sophia submitted their photos to the Outdoor News Junior Pro Team
Follow the hashtag #jpthunting on Instagram
Top turkey gear for your hunting vest
Turkey hunting expert and Outdoor News contributor Joel Nelson, gives a behind-the-scenes look at the most important turkey hunting gear he keeps in his vest. What gear is most important? In this video, Nelson walks through what he carries and why.

Did you see the turkey hunting video by JPT Coach and Virtual Mentor, Brody Boese? Check it out!
We can't wait to see your spring turkey hunting pictures!
Shout out to ALL the JPT members that stopped by some of this season's sportshows across the Great Lake States and said "hi" to the folks at the Outdoor News booths like Archer Bergsma here and all the members above! Did you know you can always get a complimentary copy of your state's edition of Outdoor News when you visit the booth? We recommend your family orders a subscription to Outdoor News, so you stay up to date on all the local sporting news - and maybe see your picture in there like Gunnar did! Click here to order
Outdoor News Junior Pro Team members are encouraged to include the hashtag #jptfishing when they post any of their fishing related pictures on social media
Buying a new fishing rod needn’t pose a problem if you know what you want before heading to the store. Here are some tips to consider
Check out this video to find out about the bonus prizes you could win when you build a Wood Duck Nesting Box and enter your photo. Remember - birds started migrating in March, so don't delay!

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