Welcome to the September edition of the JPT member-only update. We've got videos you'll want to check out, and get some tips to help YOU become a better hunter and more successful angler.
Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? Get on board! Don't miss out on what Coach Brody has been up to, and get special contest updates too!
In this video - Coach Brody Boese took us along for his day at the 2021 Game Fair. Get some expert tips on selecting a duck or goose call, check out some of the hot new gear for waterfowl hunters, and you won't want to miss the epic footage Brody got of some athletic canines as they compete in events at Game Fair!
So you got Nick Johnson's expert advice on picking the the right goose or duck call in Coach Brody's video, now here's some more waterfowl hunting content you can use for a fun and productive season.
Being prepared is one of the best ways to find success in the blind. From Dabblers to Divers to Geese - Hone your waterfowl ID skills with some tips from our friends at Ducks Unlimited HERE
As hunters, Outdoor News JPT members play a critical role in protecting our lands and waters from invasive species.
Once established, invasive species can be expensive to control and nearly impossible to eliminate. The Clean Drain Dry steps greatly reduce the risk of causing a new invasive species infestation. Immediately after leaving the water, waterfowl hunters should:
CLEAN watercraft, waders, trailer, motor and equipment. Remove any visible plants, organisms, and mud before leaving any water access.
DRAIN water from decoys, boats, motor and livewells. Pull drain plugs and remove water from all containers.
DRY everything for at least five days before going to other waters OR spray/rinse recreational equipment with high pressure hot water (140 degrees).
Click here to get tips from Outdoor News for hunting ducks over small sloughs or big water. (And hey, do you think that artwork is kind of cool? Scroll down to find out how you could win another print by the artist, Ron Nelson!)
Prepping your decoys for the waterfowl season? Find out why THIS shortcut is a BAD IDEA! Learn more
Delta Waterfowl is known as "The Duck Hunters Organization" and they conduct vital waterfowl research, while promoting the continuing tradition of waterfowl hunting in North America.
And... just a little sumpin' to get your heart pumpin' for the waterfowl season in this fun video! #sportdog
Whoa, back up and click on that #jptfishing above....
Topwater muskie fishing can provide some of the most exciting moments in freshwater fishing. Problem is, most folks don’t understand just how many applications there are for topwater fishing, including finesse situations and when the water is very cold. Check out this video from Angling Buzz that will get your heart racing. Check it out here
Wow! Look at what Carter Wrzesinski and Saige Anthoney, of Merrill, WI caught and released this summer. #muskie
We're sending Saige a JPT cap like the one Carter is wearing - and Carter is getting one of the spectacular muskie prints by artist Ron Nelson. (Keep reading to find out how you can win an awesome game fish print by Ron Nelson for yourself!)
Did you notice Carter's JPT cap? Go back to school in style with an official Outdoor News JPT logo cap! Members get a discount when you shop online at https://jrproteam.com/swag/