Your March 2021 JPT eNewsletter is brought to you by SportDOG Brand. Make sure to find out about special giveaways this month!
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The March 2021 JPT update brought to you by #sportdog includes Tips for Shed Antler Hunting, a super important tip for spring turkey hunters to pay attention to, puppy training tips and more.
This month's newsletter is brought to you by SportDOG Brand, and you'll find helpful tips for training your dog for shed antler hunting, find out what special prizes you can win in March, and so much more in this update. Here's a video that helps you understand what SportDOG Brand offers to people who own a sporting dog, or are thinking about adding one to the family.
Tips for Junior Pro Team members for shed hunting
One of the things that was mentioned in that article above is the important use of a "check cord" when training your dog. 3 winners in March will each receive one from SportDOG Brand! (And keep an eye out for another JPT update to find out the SUPER PRIZE one lucky JPT member will win in March courtesy of SportDOG Brand!)
Below is a picture of JPT member Josiah Gawin from Wisconsin, with his hunting dog: Genny. (Since we featured Josiah's picture in the newsletter, we will be sending him a JPT cap!) Make sure to share your pictures with us too! Click here
JPT member JosiahGowan with his dog Genny #sportdog
Check out the hashtag #jpthunting to see what JPT members have been up to
Ok - so we told you that we would share THE most important tip you need to follow RIGHT NOW if you are planning a spring turkey hunt, and here it is. Joel Nelson is an expert in turkey hunting, and has given many seminars on the topic. So pay attention to his words of wisdom and set yourself up for a great hunt this spring.
Pro Joel Nelson of Joel Nelson Outdoors shares timely tips for JPT members when it comes to spring turkey hunting
Follow the hashtag #jptfishing to see what young anglers are hooking into on the ice during hardwater season or open water fishing too
JPT member Trayton Kottke made himself some bucktail jigs for open water fishing
JPT members share their photos on social media, and people pay attention! In February, Savannah Nelson's photo got a ton of likes. Make sure you are using the hashtags and liking fellow JPT member posts too.
JPT Member Savannah Nelson trapped that 52-pound beaver with her Dad on Feb. 3, 2021. It weighed almost as much as she does!
Did you know... That a beaver's teeth never stop growing. Chewing on tree trunks and branches helps keep the teeth from getting too long.

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