Welcome to the November 2020 edition of the exclusive JPT member eNewsletter.
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Check out these successful JPT hunters: Lola Danis with a gobbler she bow hunted, Claire Wollermann of Union Grove, WI with her deer harvest this season, and Ally Phillips with a couple of nice Ringneck Pheasant roosters she harvested while hunting near Oakfield, Wisconsin.
We want to see YOUR hunting pictures too. Below we've shared some tips on how to take a good hunting photo. Get a few photo pointers on taking the best photo you can, and send yours into the Junior Pro Team here HERE
Did you know... these kind of waterfowl are called "perching ducks"? Learn more about WOOD DUCKS here...
Garrett Frazer of Cass Lake, Minnesota had some success this season! Did you get out over the water to do some bird hunting too? Or were you busy taking advantage of some fall fishing instead? Hardwater season will be here before we know it, but we want to see your fishing photos from this summer and fall. Share them here
In a "normal" year - you would be able to attend some of the Ice Fishing Sport Shows in states like Minnesota or Wisconsin in the weeks ahead, and you could catch seminars by expert anglers like Tackle Terry Tuma. Click here to get his pro tips for early ice fishing success
Reminder - this newsletter for JPT members will now be sent once a month instead of every week.
Keep an eye out for quick updates once in a while on contest winners and other news - and let us know if there is something you would like to see in an upcoming edition of the newsletter.

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