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Summer is in full swing! We've got some tips for bassin' in shallow water, tuning your crankbaits and some great ideas to maximize your summer scouting.
Tune your crankbaits to catch more fish! A pair of needle nose pliers is the only tool needed to tune a crankbait properly. Tuning a crankbait requires bending the eye-tie attachment that is in the nose of the lure or molded into the lure’s lip. Learn how to test your crankbaits and how to adjust them;
Each of our June weekly winners received a JPT cap. (June 2024 winners included: Charlie Glover, Grady Leep, Brunell Honeycutt and Jenna Jensen.
#JPTFISHING JPT MEMBERS Carter Holst and James Jurgenson, doubled-up on these two largemouth bass near Winter, WI on June 15, 2024
Check out their caps! You could win one in our weekly drawing. (Every JPT member is automatically entered!) or they are on sale now in the store
Did you know that JPT members get a BONUS entry into the weekly drawing when they tell a friend to JOIN JPT and that friend includes your name when they sign up. Here is the link to share with your friends
Visit the JPT Facebook page, and follow our Instagram channel to see all the great photos we've been sharing of JPT members who are reeling in some epic fish this season!
This 16-year old took his passion for fishing and turned it into a business! Read about it
This is the time of year when you can spend some time scouting to increase your odds of success when the fall deer season rolls around. Consider the topography of where you plan to hunt: How can I set up? How do I access this spot? What are the food or water sources and how deer are coming and going from a bedding area? HERE'S WHAT TO PINPOINT WITH SCOUTING