Welcome to the August 28 edition of the exclusive JPT member eNewsletter.
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August 28, 2020 Weekly Junior Pro Team eNewsletter

New video! We get to tag along with JPT Captain, Gabby Olson, as she checks in on her bear bait station in Minnesota. She drew a permit to hunt black bear when the season opens on September 1st.

Check out some pics of JPT members who've had success in hunting black bear, and learn about a bear that went on a very long stroll.

Oh - and did we mention, a NEW CONTEST is coming? Read more below!

Black Bear season will be getting underway in the weeks ahead, so we pulled these photos from some earlier success that a couple of our JPT members have had on their bear hunting adventures. Above, Gaven Sunderlage harvested that glossy bear in Wisconsin, and in 2018, Cade Knutsen (below) shot his black bear while hunting on public land in Minnesota.
Because we featured their photos in the newsletter, both Gaven and Cade will receive a JPT cap from us! Make sure you share YOUR PHOTOS with us - get started HERE

Did you see this article in Outdoor News about the bear some people started calling "Bruno"? The bear is suspected to have traveled from Wisconsin, through Illinois, and into Missouri. He was first spotted in the Show-Me-State on June 30, and MDC staff received reports of the bear as he continued to travel through Missouri.
When the bear ended up in a busy metro area near the freeway, Missouri State Wildlife Officials tranquilized him and moved him to a rural area. Read more about it....


It's prime time for frog fishing and our friend James Lindner from AnglingBuzz shares thoughts and tips to be more successful when targeting bass using frog lures

Have you been bass fishing?
Share your pics with us!

Have you heard about the USA High School Clay Target League? Click on the image below for more info on America's fastest growing high school sport - and find out what is happening in your state!
Are already on a league? Do you live in the Greater Minneapolis/ St. Paul area of Minnesota or Western Wisconsin? Then we want to hear from you! The Outdoor News videographer would like to meet you, and do a video interview with you for our YouTube channel! Send us a note if you are interested!


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